Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing
Date: November 7, 2023
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Township of Howick Council Chambers, 44816 Harriston Road, Gorrie ON N0g 1X0
Public Input on applications is invited. Pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act, the Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Howick invites you to consider applications for minor variance and/or to forward written comments prior to the hearing. Written comments may be sent by email or hand delivered to the municipal office drop box. You can also provide oral input by joining the meeting in person.
RE: AN APPLICATION BY: Kestner, Joshua
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 2028 William Street, Gorrie
PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: The purpose of this application is to permit the increased total floor area of a proposed accessory building (detached garage) to accommodate indoor storage. The application requests relief from the Howick Zoning By-law to increase the total floor area of the accessory building from 115 m2 to 223 m2.
PUBLIC HEARING: You are entitled to attend this public hearing by attending in person or joining via teleconference by calling 519-335-6338 & using the participant code 5210023, to express your views about this application. If you plan to attend in person, the hearing will be held at the Township of Howick Office located at 44816 Harriston Road.
If you plan to join by teleconference or attend the meeting in person, please let Clerk Caitlin Gillis know by noon on November 6th to register. You may be represented by counsel for that purpose if you are unable to participate. If you are aware of any person interested in or affected by this application who has not received a copy of this notice, you are requested to inform that person of this hearing. If you wish to make written comments on this application, they may be forwarded to the Clerk at the address shown below.
FAILURE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HEARING: If you do not attend the hearing, it may proceed in your absence and, except as otherwise provided by the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.
NOTICE OF DECISION: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment regarding this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Land Tribunal hearing in the event of the decision of this application is appealed.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: relating to the proposed amendment is available upon request and will be shared virtually where possible. If required, arrangements can be made to have a package prepared and available for pick up at the Municipal Office.
MV01-23 Notice of Public Meeting
Caitlin Gillis, Clerk Administrator
44816 Harriston Road, Gorrie ON N0G 1X0
Telephone: (519) 335-3208 ext.2