West Side Curbside Garbage & Recycling Collection Service Disruption - Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Please Note: Due to resource issues, Waste Management has informed the Township of Howick late today that they will be unable to complete their route for the West side of the Township on Wednesday, January 8th.
West Side Curbside Collection has been rescheduled to Saturday, January 11, 2025. Please have your garbage and recycling out for 7am. Alternatively, the Howick Landfill will be open on Wednesday, January 8th for those who would like to dispose of their household garbage and recycling before Saturday.
While we are navigating through these service disruptions with Waste Management, the Township of Howick is suspending the minimum fee of $10 for residential waste taken directly to the Howick Landfill. Howick residents that would like to dispose of their residential waste at the landfill during operating hours may do so with bag tags until further notice.
We apologize for the inconvenience and we share in your frustration. Township staff are working with Waste Management towards permanent solutions for our curbside collection service.
*Residents who have notified the Township that their collection was missed on the East Side on Sunday, January 5th, please have your garbage and recycling placed at the curbside on Wednesday, January 8th and Public Works staff will collect it.