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Strategic Action Plan

Updated: Jul 16, 2024

What is a Strategic Plan?

A Strategic Plan sets direction for the short and long term based on feedback gathered from Council, Staff and the community.

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This project began with an invitation to our residents to tell us why Howick is a great place and what we can do to make it even better. Between March 18-April 29, 2024, residents had the opportunity to provide their responses to an online questionnaire. We thank the 215 residents who provided valuable input that helped shape this Plan.

2024-2027 Township of Howick Strategic Plan

The Township of Howick has completed a review and update of its Strategic Plan. This Plan integrated the direction provided into existing municipal processes, plans and policies in order to leverage the foundation of work completed. 

The strategic planning process engaged the community, as well as Council and Staff, to develop a collective vision and priorities for the Township of Howick for 2024-2027.

In collaboration with Linton Consulting, the Township of Howick has produced the final document. The 2024-2027 Township of Howick Strategic Plan can be viewed below: 

2024-2027 Township of Howick Strategic Action Plan
